This article was really interesting because I never knew that this was how they made extensions and that it is made in China.Reading this article was kind of weird because the hair on wigs are hair from people who spent their whole lives growing their hairs and probably getting forced to cut it off, somewhere in the article it says that a man is looking for girls with really long hair.
The purpose of this article is letting the world know how the wigs and extension are made,the other purpose of the this article is knowing that this is what happens in China most of the times.Another purpose is that children are put in this situation and their parents are okay with it like for e.g Qingwen liu(14 year) she was put in this situation but the thing is she didn’t want to do it she was forced by Shaoyun(Man Looking for hair).
Because everyone always want to go to the salon and get their hair trimmed off or want extensions and other things.Another reason is that they are selling it for a lot these days and china is getting a lot of money just by selling other people's hair,and also tell other that it might or might not happen to them.
I think that if this never happened in the society then nobody would ever have to risk their live growing their hairs and getting forced to cut their hairs of and selling it.Another thing is that no one would have ever went to the salon and got extensions,Also little girls wouldn’t be forced to let other people cut their hairs.
WALA:events that happen around the world.
Today I have been finishing off this piece of work we had to answer the question and put it in a paragraph form.The thing that was complicated about this was getting to know things I've never learned before.The thing that I found fun was getting to reflect on this.Please comment on my blog so I know what I need to work on and what I have achieved.